// https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/scroll-behavior-polyfill?path=dist /*! scroll-behavior-polyfill 2.0.4 license: MIT (https://github.com/wessberg/scroll-behavior-polyfill/blob/master/LICENSE.md) Copyright © 2019 Frederik Wessberg */ (function () { 'use strict'; /** * Is true if the browser natively supports the 'scroll-behavior' CSS-property. * @type {boolean} */ var SUPPORTS_SCROLL_BEHAVIOR = "scrollBehavior" in document.documentElement.style; /*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************** */ var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; function __read(o, n) { var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; if (!m) return o; var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e; try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); } catch (error) { e = { error: error }; } finally { try { if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } return ar; } var styleDeclarationPropertyName = "scrollBehavior"; var styleAttributePropertyName = "scroll-behavior"; var styleAttributePropertyNameRegex = new RegExp(styleAttributePropertyName + ":\\s*([^;]*)"); /** * Determines the scroll behavior to use, depending on the given ScrollOptions and the position of the Element * within the DOM * @param {Element|HTMLElement|Window} inputTarget * @param {ScrollOptions} [options] * @returns {ScrollBehavior} */ function getScrollBehavior(inputTarget, options) { // If the given 'behavior' is 'smooth', apply smooth scrolling no matter what if (options != null && options.behavior === "smooth") return "smooth"; var target = "style" in inputTarget ? inputTarget : document.scrollingElement != null ? document.scrollingElement : document.documentElement; var value; if ("style" in target) { // Check if scroll-behavior is set as a property on the CSSStyleDeclaration var scrollBehaviorPropertyValue = target.style[styleDeclarationPropertyName]; // Return it if it is given and has a proper value if (scrollBehaviorPropertyValue != null && scrollBehaviorPropertyValue !== "") { value = scrollBehaviorPropertyValue; } } if (value == null) { var attributeValue = target.getAttribute("scroll-behavior"); if (attributeValue != null && attributeValue !== "") { value = attributeValue; } } if (value == null) { // Otherwise, check if it is set as an inline style var styleAttributeValue = target.getAttribute("style"); if (styleAttributeValue != null && styleAttributeValue.includes(styleAttributePropertyName)) { var match = styleAttributeValue.match(styleAttributePropertyNameRegex); if (match != null) { var _a = __read(match, 2), behavior = _a[1]; if (behavior != null && behavior !== "") { value = behavior; } } } } if (value == null) { // Take the computed style for the element and see if it contains a specific 'scroll-behavior' value var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(target); var computedStyleValue = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("scrollBehavior"); if (computedStyleValue != null && computedStyleValue !== "") { value = computedStyleValue; } } // In all other cases, use the value from the CSSOM return value; } var HALF = 0.5; /** * The easing function to use when applying the smooth scrolling * @param {number} k * @returns {number} */ function ease(k) { return HALF * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * k)); } /** * The duration of a smooth scroll * @type {number} */ var SCROLL_TIME = 15000; /** * Performs a smooth repositioning of the scroll * @param {ISmoothScrollOptions} options */ function smoothScroll(options) { var startTime = options.startTime, startX = options.startX, startY = options.startY, endX = options.endX, endY = options.endY, method = options.method; var timeLapsed = 0; var distanceX = endX - startX; var distanceY = endY - startY; var speed = Math.max(Math.abs(distanceX / 1000 * SCROLL_TIME), Math.abs(distanceY / 1000 * SCROLL_TIME)); requestAnimationFrame(function animate(timestamp) { timeLapsed += timestamp - startTime; var percentage = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, speed === 0 ? 0 : (timeLapsed / speed))); var positionX = Math.floor(startX + (distanceX * ease(percentage))); var positionY = Math.floor(startY + (distanceY * ease(percentage))); method(positionX, positionY); if (positionX !== endX || positionY !== endY) { requestAnimationFrame(animate); } }); } /** * Returns a High Resolution timestamp if possible, otherwise fallbacks to Date.now() * @returns {number} */ function now() { if ("performance" in window) return performance.now(); return Date.now(); } var ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL = Element.prototype.scroll; var WINDOW_ORIGINAL_SCROLL = window.scroll; var ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_BY = Element.prototype.scrollBy; var WINDOW_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_BY = window.scrollBy; var ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_TO = Element.prototype.scrollTo; var WINDOW_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_TO = window.scrollTo; /** * A fallback if Element.prototype.scroll is not defined * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ function elementPrototypeScrollFallback(x, y) { this.__adjustingScrollPosition = true; this.scrollLeft = x; this.scrollTop = y; delete this.__adjustingScrollPosition; } /** * A fallback if Element.prototype.scrollTo is not defined * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ function elementPrototypeScrollToFallback(x, y) { return elementPrototypeScrollFallback.call(this, x, y); } /** * A fallback if Element.prototype.scrollBy is not defined * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ function elementPrototypeScrollByFallback(x, y) { this.__adjustingScrollPosition = true; this.scrollLeft += x; this.scrollTop += y; delete this.__adjustingScrollPosition; } /** * Gets the original non-patched prototype method for the given kind * @param {ScrollMethodName} kind * @param {Element|Window} element * @return {Function} */ function getOriginalScrollMethodForKind(kind, element) { switch (kind) { case "scroll": if (element instanceof Element) { if (ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL != null) { return ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL; } else { return elementPrototypeScrollFallback; } } else { return WINDOW_ORIGINAL_SCROLL; } case "scrollBy": if (element instanceof Element) { if (ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_BY != null) { return ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_BY; } else { return elementPrototypeScrollByFallback; } } else { return WINDOW_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_BY; } case "scrollTo": if (element instanceof Element) { if (ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_TO != null) { return ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_TO; } else { return elementPrototypeScrollToFallback; } } else { return WINDOW_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_TO; } } } /** * Gets the Smooth Scroll Options to use for the step function * @param {Element|Window} element * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {ScrollMethodName} kind * @returns {ISmoothScrollOptions} */ function getSmoothScrollOptions(element, x, y, kind) { var startTime = now(); if (!(element instanceof Element)) { // Use window as the scroll container var scrollX_1 = window.scrollX, pageXOffset_1 = window.pageXOffset, scrollY_1 = window.scrollY, pageYOffset_1 = window.pageYOffset; var startX = scrollX_1 == null || scrollX_1 === 0 ? pageXOffset_1 : scrollX_1; var startY = scrollY_1 == null || scrollY_1 === 0 ? pageYOffset_1 : scrollY_1; return { startTime: startTime, startX: startX, startY: startY, endX: Math.floor(kind === "scrollBy" ? startX + x : x), endY: Math.floor(kind === "scrollBy" ? startY + y : y), method: getOriginalScrollMethodForKind("scrollTo", window).bind(window) }; } else { var scrollLeft = element.scrollLeft, scrollTop = element.scrollTop; var startX = scrollLeft; var startY = scrollTop; return { startTime: startTime, startX: startX, startY: startY, endX: Math.floor(kind === "scrollBy" ? startX + x : x), endY: Math.floor(kind === "scrollBy" ? startY + y : y), method: getOriginalScrollMethodForKind("scrollTo", element).bind(element) }; } } /** * Ensures that the given value is numeric * @param {number} value * @return {number} */ function ensureNumeric(value) { if (value == null) return 0; else if (typeof value === "number") { return value; } else if (typeof value === "string") { return parseFloat(value); } else { return 0; } } /** * Returns true if the given value is some ScrollToOptions * @param {number | ScrollToOptions} value * @return {value is ScrollToOptions} */ function isScrollToOptions(value) { return value != null && typeof value === "object"; } /** * Handles a scroll method * @param {Element|Window} element * @param {ScrollMethodName} kind * @param {number | ScrollToOptions} optionsOrX * @param {number} y */ function handleScrollMethod(element, kind, optionsOrX, y) { onScrollWithOptions(getScrollToOptionsWithValidation(optionsOrX, y), element, kind); } /** * Invoked when a 'ScrollToOptions' dict is provided to 'scroll()' as the first argument * @param {ScrollToOptions} options * @param {Element|Window} element * @param {ScrollMethodName} kind */ function onScrollWithOptions(options, element, kind) { var behavior = getScrollBehavior(element, options); // If the behavior is 'auto' apply instantaneous scrolling if (behavior == null || behavior === "auto") { getOriginalScrollMethodForKind(kind, element).call(element, options.left, options.top); } else { smoothScroll(getSmoothScrollOptions(element, options.left, options.top, kind)); } } /** * Normalizes the given scroll coordinates * @param {number?} x * @param {number?} y * @return {Required>} */ function normalizeScrollCoordinates(x, y) { return { left: ensureNumeric(x), top: ensureNumeric(y) }; } /** * Gets ScrollToOptions based on the given arguments. Will throw if validation fails * @param {number | ScrollToOptions} optionsOrX * @param {number} y * @return {Required} */ function getScrollToOptionsWithValidation(optionsOrX, y) { // If only one argument is given, and it isn't an options object, throw a TypeError if (y === undefined && !isScrollToOptions(optionsOrX)) { throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'scroll' on 'Element': parameter 1 ('options') is not an object."); } // Scroll based on the primitive values given as arguments if (!isScrollToOptions(optionsOrX)) { return __assign({}, normalizeScrollCoordinates(optionsOrX, y), { behavior: "auto" }); } // Scroll based on the received options object else { return __assign({}, normalizeScrollCoordinates(optionsOrX.left, optionsOrX.top), { behavior: optionsOrX.behavior == null ? "auto" : optionsOrX.behavior }); } } /** * Patches the 'scroll' method on the Element prototype */ function patchElementScroll() { Element.prototype.scroll = function (optionsOrX, y) { handleScrollMethod(this, "scroll", optionsOrX, y); }; } /** * Patches the 'scrollBy' method on the Element prototype */ function patchElementScrollBy() { Element.prototype.scrollBy = function (optionsOrX, y) { handleScrollMethod(this, "scrollBy", optionsOrX, y); }; } /** * Patches the 'scrollTo' method on the Element prototype */ function patchElementScrollTo() { Element.prototype.scrollTo = function (optionsOrX, y) { handleScrollMethod(this, "scrollTo", optionsOrX, y); }; } /** * Patches the 'scroll' method on the Window prototype */ function patchWindowScroll() { window.scroll = function (optionsOrX, y) { handleScrollMethod(this, "scroll", optionsOrX, y); }; } /** * Patches the 'scrollBy' method on the Window prototype */ function patchWindowScrollBy() { window.scrollBy = function (optionsOrX, y) { handleScrollMethod(this, "scrollBy", optionsOrX, y); }; } /** * Patches the 'scrollTo' method on the Window prototype */ function patchWindowScrollTo() { window.scrollTo = function (optionsOrX, y) { handleScrollMethod(this, "scrollTo", optionsOrX, y); }; } // tslint:disable:no-any /** * Gets the parent of an element, taking into account DocumentFragments, ShadowRoots, as well as the root context (window) * @param {EventTarget} currentElement * @returns {EventTarget | null} */ function getParent(currentElement) { if ("nodeType" in currentElement && currentElement.nodeType === 1) { return currentElement.parentNode; } if ("ShadowRoot" in window && (currentElement instanceof window.ShadowRoot)) { return currentElement.host; } else if (currentElement === document) { return window; } else if (currentElement instanceof Node) return currentElement.parentNode; return null; } var scrollingElement = document.scrollingElement != null ? document.scrollingElement : document.documentElement; /** * Returns true if the given overflow property represents a scrollable overflow value * @param {string | null} overflow * @return {boolean} */ function canOverflow(overflow) { return overflow !== "visible" && overflow !== "clip"; } /** * Returns true if the given element is scrollable * @param {Element} element * @return {boolean} */ function isScrollable(element) { if (element.clientHeight < element.scrollHeight || element.clientWidth < element.scrollWidth) { var style = getComputedStyle(element, null); return (canOverflow(style.overflowY) || canOverflow(style.overflowX)); } return false; } /** * Finds the nearest ancestor of an element that can scroll * @param {Element} target * @returns {Element|Window?} */ function findNearestAncestorsWithScrollBehavior(target) { var currentElement = target; while (currentElement != null) { var behavior = getScrollBehavior(currentElement); if (behavior != null && (currentElement === scrollingElement || isScrollable(currentElement))) { return [currentElement, behavior]; } var parent_1 = getParent(currentElement); currentElement = parent_1; } // No such element could be found. Start over, but this time find the nearest ancestor that can simply scroll currentElement = target; while (currentElement != null) { if (currentElement === scrollingElement || isScrollable(currentElement)) { return [currentElement, "auto"]; } var parent_2 = getParent(currentElement); currentElement = parent_2; } // Default to the scrolling element return [scrollingElement, "auto"]; } // tslint:disable:no-any /** * Finds the nearest root from an element * @param {Element} target * @returns {Document|ShadowRoot} */ function findNearestRoot(target) { var currentElement = target; while (currentElement != null) { if ("ShadowRoot" in window && (currentElement instanceof window.ShadowRoot)) { // Assume this is a ShadowRoot return currentElement; } var parent_1 = getParent(currentElement); if (parent_1 === currentElement) { return document; } currentElement = parent_1; } return document; } /** * A Regular expression that matches id's of the form "#[digit]" * @type {RegExp} */ var ID_WITH_LEADING_DIGIT_REGEXP = /^#\d/; /** * Catches anchor navigation to IDs within the same root and ensures that they can be smooth-scrolled * if the scroll behavior is smooth in the first rooter within that context */ function catchNavigation() { // Listen for 'click' events globally window.addEventListener("click", function (e) { // Only work with trusted events on HTMLAnchorElements if (!e.isTrusted || !(e.target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) return; var hrefAttributeValue = e.target.getAttribute("href"); // Only work with HTMLAnchorElements that navigates to a specific ID if (hrefAttributeValue == null || !hrefAttributeValue.startsWith("#")) return; // Find the nearest root, whether it be a ShadowRoot or the document itself var root = findNearestRoot(e.target); // Attempt to match the selector from that root. querySelector' doesn't support IDs that start with a digit, so work around that limitation var elementMatch = hrefAttributeValue.match(ID_WITH_LEADING_DIGIT_REGEXP) != null ? root.getElementById(hrefAttributeValue.slice(1)) : root.querySelector(hrefAttributeValue); // If no selector could be found, don't proceed if (elementMatch == null) return; // Find the nearest ancestor that can be scrolled var _a = __read(findNearestAncestorsWithScrollBehavior(elementMatch), 2), ancestorWithScrollBehavior = _a[0], behavior = _a[1]; // If the behavior isn't smooth, don't proceed if (behavior !== "smooth") return; // Otherwise, first prevent the default action. e.preventDefault(); // Now, scroll to the element with that ID ancestorWithScrollBehavior.scrollTo({ behavior: behavior, top: elementMatch.offsetTop, left: elementMatch.offsetLeft }); }); } var ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_INTO_VIEW = Element.prototype.scrollIntoView; /** * The majority of this file is based on https://github.com/stipsan/compute-scroll-into-view (MIT license), * but has been rewritten to accept a scroller as an argument. */ /** * Find out which edge to align against when logical scroll position is "nearest" * Interesting fact: "nearest" works similarly to "if-needed", if the element is fully visible it will not scroll it * * Legends: * ┌────────┐ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ┓ * │ target │ frame * └────────┘ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ┛ */ function alignNearest(scrollingEdgeStart, scrollingEdgeEnd, scrollingSize, scrollingBorderStart, scrollingBorderEnd, elementEdgeStart, elementEdgeEnd, elementSize) { /** * If element edge A and element edge B are both outside scrolling box edge A and scrolling box edge B * * ┌──┐ * ┏━│━━│━┓ * │ │ * ┃ │ │ ┃ do nothing * │ │ * ┗━│━━│━┛ * └──┘ * * If element edge C and element edge D are both outside scrolling box edge C and scrolling box edge D * * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ * ┌───────────┐ * │┃ ┃│ do nothing * └───────────┘ * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ */ if ((elementEdgeStart < scrollingEdgeStart && elementEdgeEnd > scrollingEdgeEnd) || (elementEdgeStart > scrollingEdgeStart && elementEdgeEnd < scrollingEdgeEnd)) { return 0; } /** * If element edge A is outside scrolling box edge A and element height is less than scrolling box height * * ┌──┐ * ┏━│━━│━┓ ┏━┌━━┐━┓ * └──┘ │ │ * from ┃ ┃ to ┃ └──┘ ┃ * * ┗━ ━━ ━┛ ┗━ ━━ ━┛ * * If element edge B is outside scrolling box edge B and element height is greater than scrolling box height * * ┏━ ━━ ━┓ ┏━┌━━┐━┓ * │ │ * from ┃ ┌──┐ ┃ to ┃ │ │ ┃ * │ │ │ │ * ┗━│━━│━┛ ┗━│━━│━┛ * │ │ └──┘ * │ │ * └──┘ * * If element edge C is outside scrolling box edge C and element width is less than scrolling box width * * from to * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ * ┌───┐ ┌───┐ * │ ┃ │ ┃ ┃ │ ┃ * └───┘ └───┘ * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ * * If element edge D is outside scrolling box edge D and element width is greater than scrolling box width * * from to * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ * ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐ * ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃ ┃ │ * └───────────┘ └───────────┘ * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ */ if ((elementEdgeStart <= scrollingEdgeStart && elementSize <= scrollingSize) || (elementEdgeEnd >= scrollingEdgeEnd && elementSize >= scrollingSize)) { return elementEdgeStart - scrollingEdgeStart - scrollingBorderStart; } /** * If element edge B is outside scrolling box edge B and element height is less than scrolling box height * * ┏━ ━━ ━┓ ┏━ ━━ ━┓ * * from ┃ ┃ to ┃ ┌──┐ ┃ * ┌──┐ │ │ * ┗━│━━│━┛ ┗━└━━┘━┛ * └──┘ * * If element edge A is outside scrolling box edge A and element height is greater than scrolling box height * * ┌──┐ * │ │ * │ │ ┌──┐ * ┏━│━━│━┓ ┏━│━━│━┓ * │ │ │ │ * from ┃ └──┘ ┃ to ┃ │ │ ┃ * │ │ * ┗━ ━━ ━┛ ┗━└━━┘━┛ * * If element edge C is outside scrolling box edge C and element width is greater than scrolling box width * * from to * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ * ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐ * │ ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃ ┃ * └───────────┘ └───────────┘ * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ * * If element edge D is outside scrolling box edge D and element width is less than scrolling box width * * from to * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ * ┌───┐ ┌───┐ * ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃ * └───┘ └───┘ * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ * */ if ((elementEdgeEnd > scrollingEdgeEnd && elementSize < scrollingSize) || (elementEdgeStart < scrollingEdgeStart && elementSize > scrollingSize)) { return elementEdgeEnd - scrollingEdgeEnd + scrollingBorderEnd; } return 0; } function computeScrollIntoView(target, scroller, options) { var block = options.block, inline = options.inline; // Used to handle the top most element that can be scrolled var scrollingElement = document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement; // Support pinch-zooming properly, making sure elements scroll into the visual viewport // Browsers that don't support visualViewport will report the layout viewport dimensions on document.documentElement.clientWidth/Height // and viewport dimensions on window.innerWidth/Height // https://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/viewports2.html // https://bokand.github.io/viewport/index.html var viewportWidth = window.visualViewport != null ? visualViewport.width : innerWidth; var viewportHeight = window.visualViewport != null ? visualViewport.height : innerHeight; var viewportX = window.scrollX != null ? window.scrollX : window.pageXOffset; var viewportY = window.scrollY != null ? window.scrollY : window.pageYOffset; var _a = target.getBoundingClientRect(), targetHeight = _a.height, targetWidth = _a.width, targetTop = _a.top, targetRight = _a.right, targetBottom = _a.bottom, targetLeft = _a.left; // These values mutate as we loop through and generate scroll coordinates var targetBlock = block === "start" || block === "nearest" ? targetTop : block === "end" ? targetBottom : targetTop + targetHeight / 2; // block === 'center var targetInline = inline === "center" ? targetLeft + targetWidth / 2 : inline === "end" ? targetRight : targetLeft; // inline === 'start || inline === 'nearest var _b = scroller.getBoundingClientRect(), height = _b.height, width = _b.width, top = _b.top, right = _b.right, bottom = _b.bottom, left = _b.left; var frameStyle = getComputedStyle(scroller); var borderLeft = parseInt(frameStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10); var borderTop = parseInt(frameStyle.borderTopWidth, 10); var borderRight = parseInt(frameStyle.borderRightWidth, 10); var borderBottom = parseInt(frameStyle.borderBottomWidth, 10); var blockScroll = 0; var inlineScroll = 0; // The property existance checks for offset[Width|Height] is because only HTMLElement objects have them, but any Element might pass by here // @TODO find out if the "as HTMLElement" overrides can be dropped var scrollbarWidth = "offsetWidth" in scroller ? scroller.offsetWidth - scroller.clientWidth - borderLeft - borderRight : 0; var scrollbarHeight = "offsetHeight" in scroller ? scroller.offsetHeight - scroller.clientHeight - borderTop - borderBottom : 0; if (scrollingElement === scroller) { // Handle viewport logic (document.documentElement or document.body) if (block === "start") { blockScroll = targetBlock; } else if (block === "end") { blockScroll = targetBlock - viewportHeight; } else if (block === "nearest") { blockScroll = alignNearest(viewportY, viewportY + viewportHeight, viewportHeight, borderTop, borderBottom, viewportY + targetBlock, viewportY + targetBlock + targetHeight, targetHeight); } else { // block === 'center' is the default blockScroll = targetBlock - viewportHeight / 2; } if (inline === "start") { inlineScroll = targetInline; } else if (inline === "center") { inlineScroll = targetInline - viewportWidth / 2; } else if (inline === "end") { inlineScroll = targetInline - viewportWidth; } else { // inline === 'nearest' is the default inlineScroll = alignNearest(viewportX, viewportX + viewportWidth, viewportWidth, borderLeft, borderRight, viewportX + targetInline, viewportX + targetInline + targetWidth, targetWidth); } // Apply scroll position offsets and ensure they are within bounds // @TODO add more test cases to cover this 100% blockScroll = Math.max(0, blockScroll + viewportY); inlineScroll = Math.max(0, inlineScroll + viewportX); } else { // Handle each scrolling frame that might exist between the target and the viewport if (block === "start") { blockScroll = targetBlock - top - borderTop; } else if (block === "end") { blockScroll = targetBlock - bottom + borderBottom + scrollbarHeight; } else if (block === "nearest") { blockScroll = alignNearest(top, bottom, height, borderTop, borderBottom + scrollbarHeight, targetBlock, targetBlock + targetHeight, targetHeight); } else { // block === 'center' is the default blockScroll = targetBlock - (top + height / 2) + scrollbarHeight / 2; } if (inline === "start") { inlineScroll = targetInline - left - borderLeft; } else if (inline === "center") { inlineScroll = targetInline - (left + width / 2) + scrollbarWidth / 2; } else if (inline === "end") { inlineScroll = targetInline - right + borderRight + scrollbarWidth; } else { // inline === 'nearest' is the default inlineScroll = alignNearest(left, right, width, borderLeft, borderRight + scrollbarWidth, targetInline, targetInline + targetWidth, targetWidth); } var scrollLeft = scroller.scrollLeft, scrollTop = scroller.scrollTop; // Ensure scroll coordinates are not out of bounds while applying scroll offsets blockScroll = Math.max(0, Math.min(scrollTop + blockScroll, scroller.scrollHeight - height + scrollbarHeight)); inlineScroll = Math.max(0, Math.min(scrollLeft + inlineScroll, scroller.scrollWidth - width + scrollbarWidth)); } return { top: blockScroll, left: inlineScroll }; } /** * Patches the 'scrollIntoView' method on the Element prototype */ function patchElementScrollIntoView() { Element.prototype.scrollIntoView = function (arg) { var normalizedOptions = arg == null || arg === true ? { block: "start", inline: "nearest" } : arg === false ? { block: "end", inline: "nearest" } : arg; // Find the nearest ancestor that can be scrolled var _a = __read(findNearestAncestorsWithScrollBehavior(this), 2), ancestorWithScroll = _a[0], ancestorWithScrollBehavior = _a[1]; var behavior = normalizedOptions.behavior != null ? normalizedOptions.behavior : ancestorWithScrollBehavior; // If the behavior isn't smooth, simply invoke the original implementation and do no more if (behavior !== "smooth") { // Assert that 'scrollIntoView' is actually defined if (ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_INTO_VIEW != null) { ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_INTO_VIEW.call(this, normalizedOptions); } // Otherwise, invoke 'scrollTo' instead and provide the scroll coordinates else { var _b = computeScrollIntoView(this, ancestorWithScroll, normalizedOptions), top_1 = _b.top, left = _b.left; getOriginalScrollMethodForKind("scrollTo", this).call(this, left, top_1); } return; } ancestorWithScroll.scrollTo(__assign({ behavior: behavior }, computeScrollIntoView(this, ancestorWithScroll, normalizedOptions))); }; } var ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_TOP_SET_DESCRIPTOR = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "scrollTop").set; /** * Patches the 'scrollTop' property descriptor on the Element prototype */ function patchElementScrollTop() { Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "scrollTop", { set: function (scrollTop) { if (this.__adjustingScrollPosition) { return ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_TOP_SET_DESCRIPTOR.call(this, scrollTop); } handleScrollMethod(this, "scrollTo", this.scrollLeft, scrollTop); return scrollTop; } }); } var ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_LEFT_SET_DESCRIPTOR = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "scrollLeft").set; /** * Patches the 'scrollLeft' property descriptor on the Element prototype */ function patchElementScrollLeft() { Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "scrollLeft", { set: function (scrollLeft) { if (this.__adjustingScrollPosition) { return ELEMENT_ORIGINAL_SCROLL_LEFT_SET_DESCRIPTOR.call(this, scrollLeft); } handleScrollMethod(this, "scrollTo", scrollLeft, this.scrollTop); return scrollLeft; } }); } /** * Applies the polyfill */ function patch() { // Element.prototype methods patchElementScroll(); patchElementScrollBy(); patchElementScrollTo(); patchElementScrollIntoView(); // Element.prototype descriptors patchElementScrollLeft(); patchElementScrollTop(); // window methods patchWindowScroll(); patchWindowScrollBy(); patchWindowScrollTo(); // Navigation catchNavigation(); } /** * Is true if the browser natively supports the Element.prototype.[scroll|scrollTo|scrollBy|scrollIntoView] methods * @type {boolean} */ var SUPPORTS_ELEMENT_PROTOTYPE_SCROLL_METHODS = "scroll" in Element.prototype && "scrollTo" in Element.prototype && "scrollBy" in Element.prototype && "scrollIntoView" in Element.prototype; if (!SUPPORTS_SCROLL_BEHAVIOR || !SUPPORTS_ELEMENT_PROTOTYPE_SCROLL_METHODS) { patch(); } }());