baseURL = "" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Meghna | Responsive Multipurpose Parallax HTML5 Template" theme = "meghna-hugo" # Menu [menu] [[menu.nav]] name = "About Us" URL = "about" weight = 2 [[menu.nav]] name = "Service" URL = "services" weight = 3 [[menu.nav]] name = "Portfolio" URL = "portfolio" weight = 4 [[menu.nav]] name = "Team" URL = "our-team" weight = 5 [[menu.nav]] name = "Pricing" URL = "pricing" weight = 6 [[menu.nav]] name = "Blog" URL = "blog" weight = 7 [[menu.nav]] name = "Contact" URL = "contact-us" weight = 8 # Site params [params] home= "Home" logo = "images/logo.png" gmapAPI = "" # Banner Section [params.banner] enable = true bgImage = "images/slider/hero-area.jpg" icon = "tf-ion-play" heading = "Experience the new reality" content= "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugit, excepturi. At recusandae sit perferendis autem,iste tempora nostrum numquam sapiente!" btn = true btnText="Explore Us" btnURL="#services" # call to action [params.cta] enable = true title = "Great Design & Incredible Features" content = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Officiis tenetur odio impedit incidunt? Omnis accusantium ea reiciendis, fugit commodi nostrum." btnURL = "#" btnText = "Start a project with us" # counter [params.counter] enable = true bgImage = "images/backgrounds/bg-1.jpg" [[params.counter.counterItem]] title = "Happy Clients" icon = "tf-ion-android-happy" count = "320" [[params.counter.counterItem]] title = "Projects completed" icon = "tf-ion-archive" count = "565" [[params.counter.counterItem]] title = "Positive feedback" icon = "tf-ion-thumbsup" count = "95" [[params.counter.counterItem]] title = "Cups of Coffee" icon = "tf-ion-coffee" count = "2500" # footer [params.footer] copyright = "Themefisher Team" copyrightURL = "" # social Icons [[params.footer.socialIcon]] icon = "tf-ion-social-facebook" [[params.footer.socialIcon]] icon = "tf-ion-social-twitter" [[params.footer.socialIcon]] icon = "tf-ion-social-google-outline" [[params.footer.socialIcon]] icon = "tf-ion-social-youtube" [[params.footer.socialIcon]] icon = "tf-ion-social-linkedin" [[params.footer.socialIcon]] icon = "tf-ion-social-dribbble-outline" [[params.footer.socialIcon]] icon = "tf-ion-social-pinterest-outline"