You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

  1. {{ define "header" }}{{ partial "page-header.html" . }}{{ end }}
  2. {{ define "main" }}
  3. <<<<<<< Updated upstream
  4. {{ $currentPageUrl := .URL }}
  5. {{ $currentSection := where .Site.Pages "Section" .Section }}
  6. <article class="center cf pv5 measure-wide-l">
  7. <h1>
  8. This is not the page you were looking for
  9. </h1>
  10. </article>
  11. =======
  12. 404 page hee
  13. {{ .Content }}
  14. >>>>>>> Stashed changes
  15. {{ end }}