{{ define "header" }} {{/* We can override any block in the baseof file be defining it in the template */}} {{ partial "page-header.html" . }} {{ end }} {{ define "main" }} {{ $section := .Site.GetPage "section" .Section }}

{{- .Title -}}

{{ with .Params.author }}

By {{ if reflect.IsSlice . }} {{ delimit . ", " | markdownify }} {{else}} {{ . | markdownify }} {{ end }}

{{ end }} {{/* Hugo uses Go's date formatting is set by example. Here are two formats */}} {{/* Show "reading time" and "word count" but only if one of the following are true: 1) A global config `params` value is set `show_reading_time = true` 2) A section front matter value is set `show_reading_time = true` 3) A page front matter value is set `show_reading_time = true` */}} {{ if (or (eq (.Param "show_reading_time") true) (eq $section.Params.show_reading_time true) )}} - {{ .ReadingTime}} minutes read - {{ .WordCount}} words {{ end }}
{{ end }}