Przeglądaj źródła

Add automatic cover image support (#303)

* Add support for auto-detection of featured images.

* Rename Partial, Add Documentation

Renamed the partial to func/GetFeaturedImage.html.

Additionally added more documentation in the partial to explain how it
worked, and what values were returned.

Co-authored-by: Sean Zimmermann <>
Sean 4 lat temu
No account linked to committer's email address

+ 35
- 0
layouts/partials/func/GetFeaturedImage.html Wyświetl plik

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
This partial gets the url for featured image for a given page.
If a featured_image was set in the page's front matter, then that will be used.
If not set, this will search page resources to find an image that contains the word
"cover", and if found, returns the path to that resource.
If no featured_image was set, and there's no "cover" image in page resources, then
this partial returns an empty string (which evaluates to false).
@return Permalink to featured image, or an empty string if not found.
{{/* Declare a new string variable, $linkToCover */}}
{{ $linkToCover := "" }}
{{/* Use the value from front matter if present */}}
{{ if .Params.featured_image }}
{{ $linkToCover = .Params.featured_image }}
{{/* Find the first image with 'cover' in the name in this page bundle. */}}
{{ else }}
{{ $img := (.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch "*cover*" }}
{{ with $img }}
{{ $linkToCover = .Permalink }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* return either a permalink, or an empty string. Note that partials can only have a single
return statement, so this needs to be at the end of the partial (and not in the if block) */}}
{{ return $linkToCover }}

+ 1
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layouts/partials/page-header.html Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{{ $featured_image := .Params.featured_image }}
{{ $featured_image := partial "func/GetFeaturedImage.html" . }}
{{ if $featured_image }}
{{/* Trimming the slash and adding absURL make sure the image works no matter where our site lives */}}
{{ $featured_image := (trim $featured_image "/") | absURL }}

+ 3
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layouts/partials/summary-with-image.html Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
{{ $featured_image := .Params.featured_image }}
{{ $featured_image := partial "func/GetFeaturedImage.html" . }}
<article class="bb b--black-10">
<div class="db pv4 ph3 ph0-l no-underline dark-gray">
<div class="flex flex-column flex-row-ns">
{{ if .Params.featured_image }}
{{ if $featured_image }}
{{/* Trimming the slash and adding absURL make sure the image works no matter where our site lives */}}
{{ $featured_image := (trim $featured_image "/") | absURL }}
<div class="pr3-ns mb4 mb0-ns w-100 w-40-ns">
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
{{ end }}
<div class="blah w-100{{ if .Params.featured_image }} w-60-ns pl3-ns{{ end }}">
<div class="blah w-100{{ if $featured_image }} w-60-ns pl3-ns{{ end }}">
<h1 class="f3 fw1 athelas mt0 lh-title">
<a href="{{.Permalink}}" class="color-inherit dim link">
{{ .Title }}

+ 4
- 3
layouts/post/summary-with-image.html Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
<article class="bb b--black-10">
<a class="db pv4 ph3 ph0-l no-underline dark-gray dim" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
<div class="flex flex-column flex-row-ns">
{{ if .Params.featured_image }}
{{ $featured_image := partial "func/GetFeaturedImage.html" . }}
{{ if $featured_image }}
<div class="pr3-ns mb4 mb0-ns w-100 w-40-ns">
<img src="{{ .Params.featured_image }}" class="db" alt="image from {{ .Title }}">
<img src="{{ $featured_image }}" class="db" alt="image from {{ .Title }}">
{{ end }}
<div class="w-100{{ if .Params.featured_image }} w-60-ns pl3-ns{{ end }}">
<div class="w-100{{ if $featured_image }} w-60-ns pl3-ns{{ end }}">
<h1 class="f3 fw1 athelas mt0 lh-title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
<div class="f6 f5-l lh-copy nested-copy-line-height">
{{ .Summary }}
