{{ define "header" }} {{/* We can override any block in the baseof file be defining it in the template */}} {{ partial "page-header.html" . }} {{ end }} {{ define "main" }} <div class="flex-l mt2 mw8 center"> <article class="center cf pv5 ph3 ph4-ns mw7"> <p class="f6 b helvetica tracked"> {{/* Humanize removes hyphens and capitalizes the first word */}} {{ humanize .Section | upper }} </p> <h1 class="f1 athelas"> {{ .Title }} </h1> {{/* TODO: Add Hugo author */}} {{/* Hugo uses Go's date formatting is set by example. Here are two formats */}} <time class="f6 mv4 dib tracked" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}"> {{ .Date.Format "January 2, 2006" }} </time> <section class="nested-copy-line-height lh-copy serif f4 nested-links nested-img mid-gray"> {{ .Content }} </section> {{ partial "tags.html" . }} </article> <div class="ph3 mt2 mt6-ns"> {{ partial "menu-contextual.html" . }} </div> </div> {{ end }}